Bartholomew county August 2006


Indiana- August 15, 2006 A young man was squirrel hunting in a remote area about 3 miles from his home. He had created himself the network of trails that he frequently traveled to reach his favorite places in the forest and he knew it very well. In the past he had seen several footprints that he had no idea where they had originated but he had not given it very much thought. He had found a place to use his game call that he also could conceal himself. After several minutes of using his call he was startled by a very loud whooping call, very similar to the Puyallup, Washington recordings. When he looked in the direction of the sound he could see it running thru the woods basically circling him. It stayed on all fours but he said that it was still huge. Fur or hair was black in color. He told me even though he had a 12-gauge shotgun he was terrified and he had no inclination of trying to shoot it. He ran out of the woods backwards, he would not completely turn around to run and he did so for 3 miles. The creature followed him for at least half the distance home. He said this is the second time encountering it the first was a couple of weeks ago but then he only saw the glowing red eyes and nothing else. Larry Battson