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Native Americans around the State and across the US, have many legends as well as myths. The myths have been handed down as giant hairy hominids. Many legends are saying that these giant beings are our brothers.
Some call them the wild man of the woods, yet others call them the boss of the woods. Whatever the legend may lend to, there is one thing in common, there is something out there.
Since recent tv shows about bigfoot, there are more people interested in the Bigfoot phenomenon, and wanting to do research. Researchers of the IBRO are always glad to take someone new and show them how we research.
At Indiana Bigfoot Research Organization, we have various ways to do research, and we are proud of our record in helping people to learn the proper way of doing research.
LeRoy Nail and associates are No Kill and professional researchers that are willing to help people with no experience obtain the basic research tools, needed for the inexperienced to get out on their own, safely and with the know-how, of what to look for.

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